First lesson

Hello, this is Stephanie from Hong Kong. It's my first year to study architecture in Sydney.

1.  This is the artwork that I did before leaving Hong Kong.  They are two wooden pieces that represent winter and spring. I was inspired by a song called "After the winter". I use mountains/volcanoes as the theme of my work to show different scenarios in all seasons. However, summer and autumn are not done yet. I am looking forward to it.

2. Chichu art museum.  It was built by Ando Tadao in 2004.
It is a beautiful and simple artwork that represents the relationship between nature and people.

3. This is Teshima Art museum. It is the most beautiful place that I have been to. The architecture is a large sculpture with water droplets on the ground. Visitors are not allowed to talk so that it creates a quiet environment for visitors to appreciate the surroundings. 


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